Actions and Curves for Photoshop (not for free)

Dear photoshop users,
I once made these curves , but these are my latest 3 actions

(click to enlarge the image)
Set price- $ 18
Each- $ 7


This time I have made them using almost all my presets (curves, other actions), so this is something like a mixture of everything. All are fully editable and if you have any problems with loading or using- tell me.

On the other news, I am using the new CS6 two weeks already. Finally they have made a darkish and fancy design, which makes you feel so professional in what are you doing. ^o^

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2 Responses to Actions and Curves for Photoshop (not for free)

  1. Wow fancy CS6 D: Is there a bunch of different things/worth the upgrade?

    jealous !!

    1. Haha, don't be.
      I like design the most, but well I tried the new extras like the new blur filters(for me is quite unnecessary couse I achieved the same effect in a different and more precise way), + some filters do the job faster and you can save time by editing other images, while finished files are beeing saved.
      Nothing so OP about CS6, except, maybe later this year a plug-in will be available, which will do magic with blurry photos by sharpening them!


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